Thursday, March 25, 2010

Photography Challenge 2 - Industrial Resolution!

So this past week the photography challenge we received was 'Industrial Resolution'.  They said: 'we like old, rusted, and weathered.  Just remember Industrial is the theme.'  I have attached my 5 photo submissions for you to enjoy or comment on!  We will find out the winners on Monday!!!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Color Photography Contest Submissions

Here is a collage of all the photos entered into this past weeks photography challenge, courtesy of Ben!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Photography Contest Winners!

My 5 photo submissions won best overall presentation for the 'Color' Photography challenge this past week!!!  But my very talented husband had the photo that won over all, I have attached it here so you can enjoy looking at it!  Isn't it beautiful?!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Weekly Photo Contest!

My husband and some of our friends and family are starting to hold a weekly photo contest.  Each week we will be looking to capture different things in our images!  I am sharing my photos with you, let me know what you think!  This week the photo contest is focusing on exhibiting color.  This could be oddities of colors in nature, color harmonies, B&W excellence, etc.


So, let me tell you about myself.  I am happily married to the most wonderful man I know and we have a beautiful son.  My husband has had a passion for photography since I have known him and his enthusiasm has won me over!  My interest in photography especially started when our son was born.  I wanted to capture every moment, he was changing so fast and I didn't want to forget it, so photography became a very strong passion for me to capture every moment I could!  I hope you enjoy reading my blog and checking out my photos!